
A great article about why President Bush's warrantless spying program, and the recently revealed phone record database, are a bad idea. I'm all for catching terrorists but let's not through out the baby (democracy) with the bath water (murderers). cue cliched use of Jefferson quote about trading freedom for security. What really ticks me off the most is when the Whitehouse whines about how we've let "the enemy" know about this weapon. Well excuse me, but I thought we lived in an open society here. And in other news, open source programmers are worried sick about Microsoft reading their code, possibly finding bugs. Duh, that's just part of the deal. The idea is there are more of us working on solutions than there are of them breaking stuff. Introducing heinous policies like these is like saving a tree from a diseased branch by chopping it down. Yeah, that's bound to work out well.


Smoked Salmon Redux

Shortly after posting about the salmon I intended to smoke, I was whisked away to Cheyenne, Wyoming on business. I barely had enough time and foresight to toss the fish into the freezer. I was a little worried about refreezing it, but the other option was to chuck it in the trash so I figured I'd be at least no worse off. And luckily it was only slightly freezer burned. I just thawed it for 2 days in the fridge with a big weight (stone bread pan) to squish some more juice out.

Today I jury-rigged up a smoker out of a cardboard box and the pieces of the terra cotta smoker that I'm still trying to build. My wife was a bit worried about having a hot object in a cardboard conveyance, so I made sure to have the fire extinquisher around just in case. Not a bad idea anyway, I suppose. Thankfully, no fire.

Following AB's recipe I cooked it until it hit 150 degrees F. Well, to tell the truth it was getting late and I was getting impatience, so I cut it off at 143. Please don't call the food police. The fish had been sitting in there for over 5 hours, so I'm quite sure any nasties had been eradicated.

The texture was a lot like canned tuna, but the flavor was so much better. So much smokier, although curiously it seemed to oscillate between strong and mild. The outside layer had developed this especially tasty thick, somewhat cruchy skin. The BBQ ribs I had in Cheyenne last week had a similar layer and it was equally delicious then. I believe those ribs were also dry smoked so I'm quite looking forward to using that technique on a lot more munchables. I had a bit of my salmon on a sandwitch with some mayo and it was to die for.

Not sure when I might next try the salmon. I have a feeling that wild salmon is a rare catch around here. I'm thinking that I may try smoking some trout if the streams are especially nice to me this year. I'll try out a number of different rubs and woods (I used apple, btw).


Pasta Salad

I was inspired to make pasta salad the other day, but unfortunately was out of town at the time, so I was delayed a few days. What a miserable time waiting it was, but I guess the results were worth it.

Basically I followed Joe's recipe. I used cheddar and colby jack cheese, deli sliced ham and turkey, and a plethora of veggies which seems to be where a pasta salad really sings its tune. We used mushrooms, cucumber, celery, carrots, and sun-dried tomatoes (which I made myself). I tossed it all together with a vinegarette of the tomato-infused olive oil and white wine vinegar, spiked with basil and mustard power. I also cracked some pepper over the top. So delicious. I served it with a slice of ham sauted in butter.


find & symlinks

I just ran into this problem, and it almost became a disaster but I luckily noticed the missing files in time, and I figured I should blog it so that nobody else repeats this mistake.

Did you know that the default behavior of 'find' is to not follow symlinks? Well I sure didn't. Yesterday I was tarring up a whole slew of files, some of which were in symlinked directories. Those ones were ignored. I ended up with about 2/3 of the number I expected, but for some reason I ignored my gut and continued on (never ignore your gut, especially if it's hungry!). By some saving grace I noticed the missing files just a few minutes ago and recovered.

So, the option is '-L' to follow symlinks. Remember that. 'find -L'. Perhaps a bash alias is in order...


Smoked Salmon

Last week at Walmart they had a big case full of frozen, wild salmon. Would you believe it wasn't even from China! Full fledged Alaskan salmon. Well, that farm raised, color added atlantic salmon just doesn't compare (or so I hear) so I couldn't pass up a 2lb fish for $5. Wasn't quite sure what to do with it, but I knew I wouldn't have another chance soon (and sure enough they were all gone the next time I visted).

We had half of it tonight baked with mustard, honey and butter. It was pretty good, I have to admit. I'm not really a fish guy so I found that a little surprising myself. My tastes sure have changed in the last 5 years. I think a good part of that is mental.

So what to do with the other half? Well, smoke it of course! I haven't finished my terra cotta smoker yet, so I figure I'll jury rig one of these bad boys. Since I only have half a fish, and it was a little smaller than AB's, I dropped the proportions by quite a bit. It's sitting in the fridge right now. I'll smoke it tomorrow evening and post about it, of course.


A Little Spam Research

I've heard one of the ways to increase your spam load is to post your email address on a website, and anecdotally I can vouch for that. For example, just recently I've started receiving spam addressed to message IDs of emails I posted to public mailing lists. So I decided to quantify that a little bit. To that end I have sprinkled some new email addresses around on my website and carefully noted where. Over the next few weeks, months, however long it takes, I'll watch the results and let you know.



After reading Joseph Hall's lemon curd entry I decided to try it myself. The results were delicious. I didn't have a real lemon so I skipped on the zest, just tossed in enough lemon juice to taste yummy. I used 2 1/2 tablespoons of regular sugar instead of the superfine and it worked out just fine.

Comparing it to Alton Brown's recipe I see that AB uses proportionally less egg for the amount of butter. Mine didn't end up quite as thick as I hoped and I wonder if that was the reason. Everything else is pretty much the same.


Database Theory 101

Relational databases are powerful beasts. Rightly so they've replaced heirarchical databases for most types of data, directories being the notable exception. But things go wrong when someone who doesn't know jack squat about them is in charge. You'd like an example? Well, it just so happens that I have one. How convenient.

Head on over to americastestkitchen.com and take a look. See if you can find the error before you finish reading this post. Go ahead, I'll wait. Be careful if you sign up for an account as they'll seriously spam your email address. Make sure you uncheck the box that says "send me tons of crap", or whatever it was. Rotten liars. You know, they never did respond to my scathing email.

Anyway, their gimmick is simple. Recipes from the current episode are online, but previous episodes are only for subscribers to Cooks Illustrated magazine. Fair enough. How's it accomplished? Very poorly. A typical URL looks like this (trimmed for brevity): "/recipe.asp?recipeids=26&iSeason=6". The current season is 6, so any link to say "Season=4" will give you a "please pay us $$$ to access this content". Think about that for a second. What's to keep you from changing "4" to "6"? I'll tell you. Absolutely nothing. Try it out and you'll see.

The proper way to do this is to use a relational database (getting back to our topic) to link RecipeId #26 to Season #6. Since a recipe would only be in one season, you'd actually just need a single column added to the table. It doesn't get any simpler than that, and would prevent unauthorized access.

Well, until the incompetent webmasters over at America's Test Kitchen catch wind of this blog you may want to scoop up all their recipes. Considering the popularity of my site, I wouldn't worry about hurrying.


Jalapeno Mayonnaise

Last night I whipped up another batch of my jalapeno mayonnaise. Boy is that good stuff, and really easy to make. I didn't take pictures so you'll just have to make do with old fashioned instructions.

First, acquire some jalapenos. How many depends on how much mayo you want and how spicy you want it. I used 5 medium sized peppers and made a pint of mayo, which ended up being on the mild side. Roast those puppies until their skins are all black and charred. You can do that over a gas stove or under the broiler. A trick to getting the skins off is to set the peppers on a plate and cover with a lid right after removing them from the heat. Water will condensate and the skins will slip off pretty easily.

Rough chop the peppers into smallish bits and toss into a blending machine. I've used blenders, I've used food processors, and I've done it by hand. Take your pick. Puree the peppers with a few tablespoons of mayo, just enough to give the mixture some bulk. Less blending equals a thicker sauce so adjust as you like.

Mix in enough mayonnaise to dilute to the correct taste. Store in a glass jar in the fridge for a month or so, maybe more. I've never done tests but I've never had any go to waste either.

One thing I'd like to try in the future is using homemade mayonnaise. It also is pretty easy to make and using different oils leaves open endless possibilities. I'm thinking mainly of trying some chili oil. Spicy.


Actiontec DSL modem

For my DSL at home I use an Actiontec GT701W DSL modem, which is the one Qwest sends you. In fact, I'm merely renting it from them because I didn't know if I would want to keep it. The fact that the box continually has issues convinced me pretty quickly that I don't. I noticed something interesting though. It hasn't caused any problems for the last few months.

So I thought about why that might be and it occurred to me that about the time it started working well was when I turned off the wireless. See, I upgraded my home network to IPv6 and since the Actiontec doesn't support it, I put in a Linksys WRT54G which I have modded with OpenWRT. I decided to move the wireless over to the Linksys as well. That seems to be the point at which the Actiontec quit being a retard.

The lesson here is that Actiontec doesn't know how to make a complete system, even if it is based on Linux. But by carefully disabling the more broken parts (including the DNS resolver, which I long ago replaced with a simple Bind cache), you can get a more or less functioning network. Kinda pathetic, eh?



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